Spring is Coming

LifeBridge Partnership held its 12th annual Trivia Night on February 2 and raised more than $58k. Of course, I am completely biased, but it is the best trivia night in town. If you didn’t attend, you should join us next year! So, mark your calendars and join us for Trivia Night 2025 on January 31 @ Royale Orleans.  

LifeBridge Partnership has a long, rich history of service to our community. I believe that knowing our history is not only interesting but also helps bring understanding to how disability services have evolved. 

So, how about some LifeBridge Partnership trivia? Who knows? Maybe we’ll test your knowledge on these at Trivia Night 2025….

  • What year was LifeBridge Partnership founded?

  • What name was the agency originally known by?

  • What were our original lines of service?

  • Which of the following is NOT a LifeBridge Partnership program: Out & About, Leaders Club, LifeBridge Camps, Around Town?

  • What was the name of the residential camp operated by the agency from 1957 to 1979?

More Fun Facts for February & March

  • The word February comes from “februa,” a Latin word meaning “to cleanse,” and was named after an ancient month-long Roman festival of purification called Februa. Both January and February were added to the Roman calendar around 700 BCE. 

  • March, or Martius, is named for the Roman god of war, Mars. This is because active military campaigns, interrupted by winter, resumed in March. March was originally the first month of the calendar, but January and February became designated as the first and second months sometime around 450 BCE.

  • While roses are a popular choice for Valentine’s Day, the violet and the primrose are the official symbolic flowers for February. Violets signify watchfulness, loyalty, and faithfulness and a primrose lets someone know that you can’t live without them. 

  • March’s flower, the daffodil or jonquil, signifies unrequited love or a desire for a return of affection. 

I won’t guarantee that the aforementioned information will be part of our Trivia Night questions next year, but I hope you enjoyed these bits and pieces of trivia. And, I hope you will join us on January 31, 2025 to raise awareness and fund our mission!

Karen Schuster, CEO


Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month


Thank You