Celebrating the 4th of July

Each July 4th, we celebrate Independence Day, the holiday honoring the adoption of the Declaration of Independence, our nation’s birth. I will be celebrating with many people over the course of several days and look forward to spending time connecting with family and friends. Many memories will be created as we share meals, play card games, float in the pool, and watch kids parade down the street on their decorated bikes. We may even find a fireworks show to ooh and aah at!

This great country was born out of a desire for freedom and a belief in “unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. The foundation of freedom and this fundamental belief requires we respect individuals’ rights and allow people to freely express their opinions and follow their dreams.

People with disabilities have opinions and dreams to follow; and they should have freedom of choice in doing so. LifeBridge Partnership believes a disability should NOT be a barrier to independence but an opportunity to partner with other people to follow your path in life. However, that has not always been a cultural norm. In the early 1900’s, children with disabilities in St. Louis did not have the opportunity to attend school with other children. Orthopedic equipment to help with mobility was not widely available. People with disabilities faced tremendous barriers in their pursuit of life, liberty and happiness. A group of people started this organization in 1927 to change that.

This organization focused initially on providing clinical care and home-schooling to children with disabilities. We brought awareness to the need for accessibility in public buildings and established the “Kids on Their Own” equipment program to supply orthopedic items to youth in need. As public policy evolved, we were “at the table” to ensure public education was available to and welcomed individuals with disabilities.

Our mission today is: Building bridges to a life of social well-being for individuals with disabilities. We partner with individuals to cultivate social well-being and bring a sense of belonging through a variety of community-based recreation and enrichment activities. We ensure our participants have the support, encouragement and assistance they need to pursue what brings them joy. Many thanks to LifeBridge Partnership staff members and volunteers who walk alongside participants in support of their freedom of choice and pursuit of a fulfilling community life.

If you would like to learn more about working for or volunteering with LifeBridge Partnership, contact us at info@lifebridgestl.org or visit our website at https://www.lifebridgestl.org/volunteer

Karen Schuster, CEO


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