Connected Lives

The word community carries several meanings including a “group sharing common characteristics or interests.” These characteristics can vary widely - social interests, ethnic backgrounds, hobbies, athletic endeavors, geographic location, and more.

Why do people identify with and seek to be part of a community? Human beings are wired to “do life” with others. Because within a community, people are connected to others and experience a sense of belonging that enriches their lives. That sense of belonging begins with the common interests but grows stronger through working, playing and learning together.

Having a disability doesn’t preclude an individual from building community. At LifeBridge Partnership, we work to ensure individuals with disabilities have opportunities to discover and engage with their communities. Adults participating in our Out & About program explore the St. Louis recreation and leisure scene, learn to use community resources, and connect with friends. Through after school enrichment and day camps, youth clients enjoy community field trips, make new friends, and experience unique recreation activities.

I think that when we focus on and appreciate what we have in common with someone else, we open the door to understanding the differences that also exist. To that end, I invite you to expand your community by joining our team of volunteers. Whether you like sports, shopping, crafting, festivals, museums…

Come “do life” and build community with us. Click here to learn more about our volunteer program.

Karen Schuster, CEO


Legislative Advocacy


Ability Awareness Days